GILI MOCANU /Fiecare dintre cele doua momente / Each of the Two Moments/ MNAC, Bucuresti

GILI MOCANU. Fiecare dintre cele doua momente / Each of the Two Moments
Curator: Oana Tanase

31.03 – 27.06.2010
Vernisaj / opening: miercuri / Wednesday, 31.03.2010, 19h00

MNAC anunta expozitia personala a artistului Gili Mocanu, expozitie ce reflecta doua statiuni ale artei – atelierul si muzeul. Sunt selectate, alaturi de Echerul papal aflat in colectia MNAC, doua serii restranse de pictura, precum si caietele de schite ale artistului, pentru prima oara prezentate public. Interventia conceputa de Gili Mocanu pentru Fiecare dintre cele doua momente pare a verifica forta gravitationala a ideii si plauzibilitatea desenului in spatiu.

Dupa un indelung exercitiu aplicat figurativului, artistul reuseste ca, printr-o inselatorie frumoasa si cumva impertinenta, sa testeze toleranta noastra fata de abstractie. Repetitie si ciclicitate, teluric si imponderabil, drum si capat, invelis si miez sunt pentru Gili Mocanu teme constante, pentru ca sinceritatea si adrenalina sa caracterizeze comportamentul sau plastic si cultural. Gili Mocanu apasa pedala nihilismului si a ironiei intr-atat incat il si auzi dand replica: “Nimic nu se compara cu o doza buna de ura de sine”.

MNAC presents the solo exhibition of Gili Mocanu, an exhibition that takes into account two stations of art – the studio and the museum. Together with The Papal Square Meter, a work from the collection of MNAC, two other series of paintings have been selected, as well as the artist’s sketchbooks which are on display for the first time. For Each of the Two Moments, Gili Mocanu has conceived an intervention in the museum’s space that seems to test the force of gravitation embedded in ideas and the plausibility of space drawing.

After exercising figuration and resorting to a beautiful and irreverent artifice, the artist puts to the test our tolerance for abstraction. Repetition and cyclicity, journey and end, the terrestrial and the imponderable, are constant themes of reflection for Gili Mocanu, an artist for whom sincerity and adrenaline are basic ingredients of his artistic and cultural identity. His work is infused with so much nihilism and irony that one can almost hear him saying: “Nothing compares to a good dose of self-loath”.

Partener principal: BRD Groupe Societe Generale
Sponsori: Hotel Novotel, Murfatlar
Parteneri media: Igloo, Arhitectura, 24 Fun, rfi,, Cocor Media Channel

Palatul Parlamentului/ Str. Izvor 2-4, aripa E4, Bucharest (RO), 050563
intrarea prin / entrance from Calea 13 Septembrie
tel: +40 21 318 91 37 / fax: +40 21 318 91 38,
Miercuri / Wednesday - duminica / Sunday 10h-18h