Deadline: 16th November 2010

Prizes: 100.000 euro
Exhibition of the finalist artists: Arsenale Venice

Sections: painting, photographic art, sculpture, videoart and performance

Institutinal prizes:
PRIZE Painting: 5.000,00 euro*
PRIZE Sculpture: 5.000,00 euro*
PRIZE Photographic Art: 5.000,00 euro*
PRIZE Videoart: 5.000,00 euro*
PRIZE Performance: 5.000,00 euro*

Participation: the competition is open to all artists, without any limits. There is not a specific theme.


Only 2 months left for ARTE LAGUNA PRIZE application. The new edition started with the goal to promote contemporary art, remaining consistent to the original purposes of its two creators, Laura Gallon and Beatrice Susa, Arte Laguna Prize continues its course as "incubator of Italian and international young art", with the will to discover new talent, to support emerging artists in promoting their creativity and to develop their careers.The V edition of the Prize is enriched with two new sections - Video Art and Performing Art - which are additional to those established: Painting, Sculpture and Photographic Art.

In particular, the Prize presents a lot of new opportunities and main innovations.

- Collective exhibition of finalist Artists -

The final exhibition - which displays the 110 finalists selected by judges – is scheduled on March 2011, involving again the prestigious venue of the Arsenal of Venice.
In addiction, there is the Special Prize "Tina B", in collaboration with the same festival in Prague, for sharing a performance with the Prize. And the Special Prize “Open” that offers the partecipation to the XIV edition of the International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations that will take place in Lido of Venice during the Venice International Film Festival.