Lansare Teen Art Out nr 2

Art Out is an art, architecture, patrimony and preservation magazine.
Art Out – revistă de artă, arhitectură, patrimoniu şi restaurare

Presenting Teen Art Out no. 2

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Crazy little thing called love

Once again, our issue bears the name of a famous song, and since February has just ended, which better than crazy little thing called love?
What does love mean to us? A feeling that holds no definition that just feels our being and takes over. As many names for it, as many forms, it’s just our basic function. It is what everyone desires, even if he might have forgotten. Some say it’s the most powerful force, some hold it as the utmost goal. However, there are those who consider it to be an endless string of sorrows. Still, love takes us far, builds us and breaks us, leaves its mark upon us and forever changes our inner being.
I love you… Those three words, said too often, but not enough. Are we ever really comfortable saying them? Truth be told, it’s never easy. From the moment you realize the fact that you actually love someone, from that specific moment when you stop lying to yourself, we cannot help but feel vulnerable. Because yes, loving someone means being vulnerable to everything they do or say, hurting when they hurt, laughing when they do, letting them break down the walls you so beautifully had built.
And then, we just wonder… is love anything more than chemistry? We all hold our heart responsible, but little do we know that the brain actually controls everything. Be it happiness or sadness, it’s a chemical reaction, one that makes us truly alive.
And how do we know when we are in love? The love songs make sense, for one.

This (This Thing) called love
(Called Love)
It cries (Like a baby)
In a cradle all night
It swings (Woo Woo)
It jives (Woo Woo)
It shakes all over like a jelly fish,
I kinda like it
Crazy little thing called love
(Queen-Crazy little thing called love)
Cosmina Simona Mihalca,
Editor-in-chief Teen Art Out
Teen Art Out nr 2 is an issue of love and caring, just feelings written down.
May you have a happy spring reading it!
About Teen Art Out:

Teen Art Out wishes to become a personal approach to the outer world, the written testimony of our society, through the eyes of teenagers, and not only. Be it music, arts, literature, architecture, fashion, events or so many more, Teen Art Out is where you will read about it.
It is a place of wonder, a journey through fairytales and honest beliefs, a road filled with memories, dreams and hopes. Combining all that into a small magazine is our mission, and we hope to have you as our faithful reader.
We want to hear what you have to say, to make you a part of our team through insightful debates and interesting testimonies. This is a place for everyone, where we try to help anyone in need, to provide a friend through our pages.
Cosmina Simona Mihalca
Editor in chief Teen Art Out
For suggestions, opinions, proposals of articles and art projects, partnerships and collaborations  for Teen Art Out you can write here:
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Despre Teen Art Out:

Suntem mândrii să vă prezentăm Teen Art Out, o revistă nouă, adresată adolescenţilor şi nu numai. Dorim să prezentăm mai mult decât nişte cuvinte, dorim să prezentăm un anume spirit, al nostru şi al cititorilor, al societăţii, cu tot ce înseamnă ea. Vom fi expresia colectivă, dar şi a individualităţii creatoare.
Vă invităm într-o călătorie între realitate şi fantezie, care să vă încânte şi (i)lumineze, în acelaşi timp sperănd că veţi dori să fiţi parte din ea.
Cu o apariţie lunară şi rubrici dintre cele mai interesante, acesta este începutul unei reviste a tinerilor, lipsită de constrângeri şi prejudecăţi.
Cosmina Simona Mihalca
Redactor şef Teen Art Out
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